As our eight-county area continues to grow, so does the issue of congestion. Traffic affects many aspects of our daily lives. It costs time and money. It creates stress and lowers quality of life. It also pollutes our air. Fortunately, there are solutions.
With these key strategies and resources, you can avoid the jam and make getting around the region better for yourself and fellow commuters by:
Use the ConnectSmart Mobile App to learn about alternate routes, modes, or times that avoid traffic jams and incidents. ConnectSmart can help improve the way you travel no matter how you get there. This new regional app is powered by data from Houston regional partners and has convenient, easy to access integrations from partners like TranStar, Conroe Connection, METRO, Tow and Go, and BCycle.
Not only can carpooling or vanpooling help you save money, but it also grants you access to the HOV lanes, which are generally less congested than the main roadways and can help you save time.
Be automatically matched with carpool partners based on your trip using the ConnectSmart Mobile App, or visit METRO STAR, the region’s vanpool program, for more information about vanpool options in the region.
Public transportation can be a great way to save money in commuting costs. Search for a transit route using the ConnectSmart Mobile App or visit our Transit Options page to find information about the transit operators in your area.
If travel times are flexible, you could leave earlier or later and avoid peak travel times in the region. You can also explore options such as telecommuting or a compressed schedule to help reduce the number of days you travel. Contact us at for help exploring one of these options with your employer.
Adding a bike ride or short walk to your trip can reduce stress, improve your health, and help you avoid surface street congestion. If traveling more than two miles, think about adding a walk or bike ride to the beginning or end of your trip to meet your carpool or catch the bus. If your trip is less than a mile or two, consider biking or walking the entire way.
Calculate how much you can save by trying a new way to get to work using our Make Your Commute Count Interactive Calculator.
Stay in touch with Commute Solutions, and we will send you periodic tips and resources for improving your trip to work or school in Houston, Galveston, The Woodlands, or anywhere in the eight-county metropolitan planning area.